It looks like I have a fan in Red Bank, NJ. I won't assume its you, Mr. Smith, but someone from your home town is poking in taking a look-see. So, shout-out to Red Bank! HELLO NEW JERSEY!
Sir, I'll be in L.A. again in two weeks. Would love for a quick sit down with you, Mr. Kevin Smith. Will totally understand if you aren't available.
Speaking of events (ok, so that was a VERY sloppy transition). This coming Friday we're hosting a family and friends picnic for the entire film industry in good old Phoenix, Arizona. Looks to be more than 100 people in attendence. That is if everyone that RSVP'd actually makes it. If they don't show... well, we know where you are people. Besides, what else are you doing on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. We all know the shopping is on Friday. Football isn't until Sunday. And you can watch Ninja Assassin after lunch, so come on out to Encanto Park, 11 to 3pm. Its a pot luck, so bring something to share!
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