If you liked X-Files and Bill and Ted, you’ll love Lutz and Balls, Paranormal Investigators.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Lutz and Balls: Paranormal Investigators
If you liked X-Files and Bill and Ted, you’ll love Lutz and Balls, Paranormal Investigators.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Room 602 on its way to View Askew
We opened this weekend and have gotten great feedback and support. Remember, that feature I said I had waiting to go that was something right up Schwalbach's alley: the type of movie, she said (on a Smodcast with you) she'd love to see? Well, this short is based on the same characters.
Coming your way, sir.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Room 602 screened!
If you haven't had a chance to see it, there's two more local screenings scheduled:
Oct 26th come to the Deadly Event at Alice Cooperstown. $20 gets you dinner and seven movies. Come laugh along with Room 602. Go to http://www.deadlyevent.com for tickets and details.
Can't make this Friday? Come to the San Tan Short Film Festival, November 16-18 (Room 602 will screen on the 18th). Go to http://www.santanfilmfest.com for details!
...and then that's it in Phoenix for this year, folks. Don't miss out!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Why Kevin Smith and Room 602 News
Well, I can honestly say that some of Kevin's people have browsed through here. I don't think any of them reported back their findings to the man himself. I would like to think that he would respond. After all, we're two peas in... OK, that just sounds silly.
On to other things.
Room 602, the film that I started this blog about, has three screenings coming up. October 20th, 8 PM (Theater 4) at the International Horror Sci Fi Film Festival. I will also be hosting a panel at 1PM on Sunday the 21st (same festival) on fast tracking -- "How to quickly advance in the movie biz from amateur shorts to semi-pro features" and then participating in a panel at 2:30 the same day on creativity -- "How to create super visuals on small budgets." If not for me, come to see Linda Blair as she screens the Exorcist and Claudia Christian as she screens "The Hidden."
After that, Room 602 will screen at Alice Cooperstown and the Seven Deadly Films Event (October 27th).
Finally, on November 18th, we'll screen one last time this year at the San Tan Short Film Festival.
Then its Happy Holidays time while we start looking for other festivals.
PS. Stay tuned for news on "Big Feet, Little Shoes," another short I produced and directed that starts its festival run later this month.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Stardust, pleasant dreams
It's a fairy tale, pure and simple, but a wonderful one that entranced me, my wife, and my children. If you are a fan of The Princess Bride, you'll love this film. It has the same irreverence while still being true to everything that makes people smile at the thought of their favorite fairy tale.
Where do I start? This movie had production value out the wazoo. I mean, the costumes alone were not only unique for each character, but the fabrics were custom made for at least seven of them. Elaborate sets, visual effects, costumes...
...And the cast! Ian McKellen, Peter O'Toole, Rupert Everett, Michelle Pfeiffer, Claire Danes, Robert De Niro, Ricky Gervis...
Dare I mention the story was originally written by Neil Gaiman? How about this, the first line from the book: "There was once a young man who wished to gain his Heart's Desire." or this, the first line from the movie: "A philosopher once asked, "Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?" Pointless, really...”Do the stars gaze back?" Now *that's* a question."
Both really summarize the movie.
See this movie on the big screen, while you still have a chance... and then buy the DVD.
Wow, I just pimped someone else's movie. I don't do that often and, frankly, its the only film from this summer of block busters that I've done this for. Even Transformers...
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Who wants to act when you can direct?

Sounds like a man right after your own heart, Mr. Smith.
So, here's the deal. Remember when I said I had a screenplay your wife, Jennifer Schwalbach, not only could produce but is the type of movie that she said, in one of your recent Smodcasts, she always wanted to see and would remind her of Alias and the reason she fell in love with that series. You know, the one with this synopsis:
A strong, take no prisoners, female action movie with humor and heart. A story about a widowed soccer mom who, struggling to make ends meet, turns to the only line of work she has ever been any good at: contract killing. Then top it all off with the fact that her deceased ex-husband turns out to be not-quite-so, kidnaps their daughter, and forces mom to fight for the daughter's life.
Well, you can have the man you said you'd always work with, Ben, direct. And then the Bob or Harvey Weinstein can back the film. And all this can be done while you're working on Red State or Zack and Miri (whichever ends up first).
Come on Ben, Kevin, Jen, give a poor fat writer a break and drop him a line.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Big Feet, Little Shoes in the can
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Four Days to Shooting and...

Friday, August 31, 2007
Wisdom teeth and unwise decisions
Speaking of unwise decisions (I wasn't? Well, I am now), what's with business distancing themselves from celebrities. Everyone by now has heard of Owen Wilson's suicide attempt this past week. I won't get into it. What I have to say is about the love and support he's been given... not.
Owen Wilson's name was being used by Vespa USA as an endorsement for their scooters. As for today (Aug 31, 2007) they have removed his name. Is this just bad timing? Did Owen just asked to be taken off the endorsement list and they just happen to get around to it this week? Yeah, sure, that's it.
Before:![]() |
Kick a guy while he's down, why don'cha? I'd think it would be a better PR move to say they hoped he got better soon or were behind him during this troubling time in his life or, frankly, just ignore it, than to openly remove him from product marketing.
Disclaimer: Any opinions expressed are those of myself or contributors to the site, and are not necessarily those of my family, my friends, my company (or companies I work for or with), the world at large, or those scary people from The Hills Have Eyes. Opinions are by their very nature not slanderous, libellous, defaming or in any way illegal.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Kevin you're doing Battlestar Galactica?
BSG is simply amazing television. I can't wait for the season to restart. I've got some friends working on the visual effects for BSG (don't ask, I can't tell you anything about the upcoming season). It will be interesting to see what you bring to the show even if it is only one episode.
Well, without further ado here's part of the interview:
Will we see you doing more TV?
I know that I'm going to go up and direct an episode of 'Battlestar Galactica,' which I'm kind of stoked about. It's cool, but it is scary because it is like, "What the f---? I can't bring anything to that show." That show is genius and they have a very distinctive visual style.
But you are safe as a kitten. If you go in there and say, "I'm going to shoot everything in one big master shot," they'll go, "No you're not, because that is not what we do on 'Battlestar Galactica.'" I guess it is more about performance-oriented stuff, but at the same time that cast is top notch. How do you f----- direct Mary McDonnell?
I'm bummed that she didn't get an Emmy nod.
That whole cast is so spectacular and the fact that they haven't been singled
out is just bizarre. At the same time they finally got some writing nods, which
was good.This is the final season of 'Battlestar,' so it is extra cool that you
get to direct one.It's cool as someone who is a big fan and a supporter of the show to get up there and do one before they are all done. When I was up there shooting 'Reaper,' we shot on the same lot as ['Galactica'] and even though they weren't in production, our production designer was a production designer on 'Battlestar Galactica' so the dude was able to get me on the sets and show me everything. I walked around the Galactica [ship] and whatnot. But now to go back in a different capacity is more nerve-wracking. it is more fun to just walk around and be like, "Holy shit, that's the colonial viper." Then it is to be like," Alright, how are we going to shoot this colonial viper scene?"
Did they tell you anything about your episode?
Not yet. That was the first thing I asked, "Hey man, can I get a script?" and they are like, "It's not ready yet." I'm just hoping to be able to see some stuff in advance. If they'll show me every episode up until that point that would be incredibly helpful for my episode, but more incredibly helpful for me as a fan.
No mushy-gushy stuff.
Anyway, the conversation went like this:
"Daddy, when Hollywood discovers you only make movies I can watch. Nothing scary and no mushy-gushy stuff. If you need ideas you can come to me."I like the fact she used the word when, not if. That means it's going to happen, sir. My little girl is watching out for me.
Of course I have always taken this type of advice. While I don't write children's stories, per se, I try to keep it family oriented without being juvenile. Stuff the adults will enjoy but not quickly throw their hands over their children's ears or eyes, PG or PG-13 stuff. Maybe even a G rating or two (although that seems to be the death of a film these days unless its animated).
Well, my baby girl is watching out for her Daddy just like I'm sure yours looks out for you.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Whoops, I did it again...
Writing everyday is just hard. It's hard enough as a screenwriter to spend every day writing so let me just admit. I don't. Somedays I spend researching what I'm writing. Somedays I spend working on my production schedules. And somedays, like today, I spend in the editting room.
As I mentioned earlier this month, Room 602 is in the can. I outlined the project and even handed off a Super Rough Cut, yes, it was more rough than rough, to my editor. I then went over his rough Monday. Ouch. So we spent today editting and getting the project back on track with my vision. It's looking good sir. You know, a comedy just isn't a comedy when you leave out gags, jokes, and visuals that are there to get a laugh out of the audience. When entire scenes are missing (don't get me started) that move the plot along, what's left just doesn't make sense. But, as I said, its already looking better. Hopefully by this weekend we have a real rough cut and can work on cleaning up sound, laying in the music, and rotoscoping out those freakin' shadows that show the camera. |
So now I'm getting ready for my next one. Its a ultra-short for a film contest coming up in a couple months. Here's the concept poster... shh...

Monday, August 20, 2007
Never a good idea to attack the dude with the microphone!
Speaking of funny, eloquent folks, I didn't write this weekend because it was my 17th wedding anniversary and the wife and I went out. OK, that's not the funny, eloquent part. We saw Eddie Izzard, that's the funny, eloquent part. His act has changed a little from his "executive transvestite" days, but still insightful and funny as hell. His take on religion was as inspiring and humerus as Dogma.
Did I say humerus? Damn, humerus is like... like... like Weird Al Yankovic tunes these days. Funny, but not rolling on the floor laughing my ass of funny. Dogma and Eddie Izzard are much closer to ROFLMAO than Weird Al.
We won't talk about what happened on the ride home or once we got home since the kids were at friends for the rest of the night. Let's just say we performed some moving violations.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Three films and counting...
Well, Mr. Kevin Smith, sir, looks like I'm going to beat that number in just six months. I've already put two films in the can and have a third scheduled for late September. Add to that two potential other films this year and I'm rockin', although I'm really waiting for that one break out hit (mine or someone else's).
By the way, I meant what I said about Jennifer producing. Tell her to think about it.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Zach and Miri Make a Porno? Take the blue pill...
That's just there for the search engines, sir. Gotta keep you coming back for more.
Just watched your interview with AOTS about, among other things, Zach and Miri Make a Porno. Man, you're getting enough pre-release, no, pre-production hype for this as The Man Who Killed Don Quixote. OK, at least I was privy to that one and really wanted to see it. I guess what I'm saying is that there is already tons of talk about this and even getting a page from the script published in Entertainment Weekly before it actually gets made.
That's gotta be some pressure. I mean there is so much pressure to perform that I'd expect that Zach needs to pop a few blue pills just to get it up. You'll need fluffers (look it up people, I'm not linking to that one) on press junkets. I can hear the bam-chika-wah-wah music now to keep things in the mood.
Just a little funnin' with you, sir. I know you can pull this off with all the witty, irreverent humor that you are known for.
So, while you're working away on Zach and Miri how about Jennifer, your lovely bride, takes a crack at producing a movie she said she always wants to see and never finds. One that reminds her of Alias and the reason she fell in love with that series.
A strong, take no prisoners, female action movie with humor and
heart. A story about a widowed soccer mom who, struggling to make
ends meet, turns to the only line of work she has ever been any good at:
contract killer. And then top it all off with the fact that her deceased
ex-husband turns out to be not-quite-so, kidnaps their daughter, and forces mom
to fight for the daughter's life.
Throw into the mix lots of hilarity, some keystone criminals, and kick ass action... what more could you want?
Call me, sir.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
The older we get the faster we age
OK, so that sounds a little extreme (or whacked out or at least fan-boyish). This weekend was my daughter's birthday. She turned eight and so the day was hers. After that it was the first day of school.
My son moved into Middle School this year; taking the bus for the first time since we no longer live close enough for him to walk. So the day was filled with that parental anxiety that comes with wanting a child to grow up and not.
I've sure, Kevin, you've experienced it with Harley. If not, don't worry sir, it's coming. There will be a day (OK, let's be honest MANY days) in which you find yourself tearing your hair out, literally and figuratively, over allowing your daughter to grow up.
Heck, this weekend was with my young man. I can't imagine the ulcer I'm going to get with my little princess...
No wonder we seem to age faster the older we get.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
End of a long day
Remember those days? Planning for weeks. Making list after list of what you'll do, who'll be there, what you'll get.
Wait, you did just plan for weeks. Made lists of what you'll do, who'll be there. Guess there's hope that birthday's don't have to just fly by with age. Maybe I'll do something big for my 40... got my wife's second 39th to plan first.
Wanna come to a birthday party in Phoenix?
Friday, August 10, 2007
My Breaking Point

Ok, we're at the breaking point (or at least I'm going to call it that for lack of anything else to write about). I've been writing letters to you, Kevin, for 11 days now, everyday. I'll keep going, don't worry.
Well, I'm gearing up to listen to this week's Smodcast, but I have to finish my TWIT.tv podcast. Turns out the folks at Revision3 are building studios. Internet Startups that now do online television. The geeks are coming to hollywood, but will Hollywood let them?
Maybe one or two, but then they'll take the attitude of "not developed here." Well, that's my prognostication anyway. Which, actually, serves the silicon valley guys right. They have, for years, taken the attitude of "not developed here." If the Internet company isn't based in San Francisco or New York, its not really an Internet company... or so I've been told far too often.
San Francisco is full of people funding the simplest online gadgets with millions of dollars. Its just like the late nineties all over again.
Well, I made my choice to live in Phoenix, AZ and, so, I will continue to make it work in my little version of Jersey. Of course you finally left Jersey too, eh?
Maybe I'll just build my own studio...
Thursday, August 9, 2007
I died yesterday.
To Kevin Smith and whatever of his people monitor his email:
Low and behold I woke up to this news alert on me. Luckily it wasn't me, but its a sobering experience to wake up to your own obituary. It turns out Jon Bonnell, Jr died when he stepped on an improvised explosive device in the Al Anbar province of Iraq.
Now, I was no where near Iraq, and I'm not making light of this soldier and his family. It was just very eye opening to see my own name and realize how close to home our excursion in Iraq is.
Yes, I called it an excursion. To our brave soldiers over there trying to do their job it's a war. To the rest of us its a mistake (less than 30% of Americans support the war according to a recent CNN poll).
I don't have friends stationed over there, at least that I know of, but August 8, 2007 is the day of my death and the day that brought the war into my life.
Peace be with the family of Sgt. Jon E. ‘‘J.J.’’ Bonnell, Jr. I am truly sorry for your loss. Jon is survived by his father, Jon Bonnell Sr., his mother, Denise Rork; sisters Sara Bonnell, Brandy Rork and Tasha Rork; and grandmother Donna Bonnell, all of Fort Dodge, IA.
Nothing else matters today.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Birthday Parties and Editors
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
How is it making television?
MyndSparc: Navajo Dreams is both a modern day and futuristic tale encompassing the big hollywood industry, virtual reality, and the Navajo mythos. Yeah, it sounds big, and it is. Which is why I'm doing this as a graphic novel first, and no the tentpole production that it could be... or television show.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Screenwriters unite!
Screenwriters are such a solitary lot. Why? Why do they not come out and play? Is it some primal instinct that makes us want to hide in our caves and draw on the walls? At least I've traded in my charcoal for a laptop, eh?
I love to get out and meet other writers and film makers, but it's like pulling teeth to get other writers to do the same. Sure, we have a few regulars, but quite often we'll have as many new people as regulars and then they climb back into their caves for a few months before reemerging.
Don't they get that it takes pressing the flesh as much as pressing the keys to get anywhere in this business?
So, Kevin, sir, I'm pressing the virtual flesh (damn, that is a keyboard isn't it) trying to network with you.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
It's a wrap!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
It's late, I'm tired, what a great filming day!
No, don't say it was bad scheduling because we covered about 7 pages in nine hours of shooting. Not bad, and that includes two action scenes.
I'd write more, sir, but I need to get some sleep before I start over again tomorrow.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Prom in August!
I've got no clue what it was like and I didn't know anyone at the one I attended. C'est la vie.
But this brings me to another point. Yes, I can get to a point with a strange lead in like a prom... wait, no, I really can't. Don't know where I was going, but it did give me a chance to get started.
Kevin, sir, I want advice from the master. Getting noticed, getting produced, getting famous (well, almost famous). Hell, screw the fame, I just want to see my work up there. I'm producing my own work, but that's for little stuff. For the big one I'm just going to need help.
Remember, I have a project that your wife will love: a soccer-mom, contract killer trying to save her little girl's life. Strong willed, kick ass woman as the lead. What more could Mrs. Smith want? And why would you want to disappoint her? Jennifer, you really will love this.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Happy Birthday, sir!
On this day in 1970 in Red Bank, New Jersey was born the king of clerks, the sultan of swearing, the grand poo-bah of silence: Kevin Smith.
You once said, "There's something to be said for failing. It's not the failure you feel, it's the failure that people project when something disappoints."
I'll have to say you are right. Its not the fear of failure that ever haunts me. Its the fear of disappointment coming from those you love and care about (and then those millions that love and care about you... wait, I don't have millions... yet).
But, I had to just pull up my bootstraps... "A loop of leather or other material sewn at the side or top rear of a boot to help in pulling the boot on." Which makes this a cowboy reference so "Yippee-Ki-Yay-Mother fucker" -- I just love Bruce and John McClain is the man... sorry, I digress.
Where was I? Oh yeah, bootstraps. So I pulled up my bootstraps and disappointment be damned. After all, I'm a father of a twelve year old, I'm gearing up for being a disappointment to my son for, oh, five to six more years. What have I got to lose?
My wife loves me, god only knows why, and my daughter idolizes me... she's not old enough to be embarrassed by her old man walking around in his boxers. So right now is my best time. Everyone loves me and doesn't care if I make a fool of myself or totally botch this up. And I didn't ask for an investor in this film, they approached me. So, again, its their risk, not mine, right?
OK, you don't want to poison the well -- another western reference "Yippee-Ki-Yay-Mother Fucker" -- so that's one person you definitely have to be aware of disappointing. Damn. So, on top of everything else, I make sure my investors have fun. This is about movies and the dream and having fun... not business, not yet anyway.
And that brings me to my point (took a freakin' long time, eh). Let's have fun! I've actually got a screenplay that your wife would love: female version of Luc Besson's The Professional with a strong female lead that does whatever it takes to save her daughter.
Let's talk...
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Smodcast, your wife, and ComicCon
I figured that I would make this a daily regiment or therapy, if you will, regardless of whether you are reading my diatribes or not.
So just got done listening to your latest smodcast. Your wife was on the whole time and you talked about ComicCon.
Ah, now there's the life.
Going to ComicCon and calling it business while having a blast. I haven't been to ComicCon since the late 90's. I've seen how it has changed (thanks to the ever growing media circus that covers it now online and on the air) and I miss it.
This year it came down to filming or attending and since I've got a cast and crew of volunteers I work around their schedule and I missed ComicCon.
Ah, hell, let's be honest. I just freaking forgot about it this year and scheduled the shoot over the same weekend.
But I digress, sir. Today I spent working out the shooting schedule for this weekend. Based on the setup times we had last weekend I knew we needed to reset the schedule. It's going to be one long day Saturday, but we'll pull through it with smiles on our faces.
It's amazing the FUN that a bunch of people can have working 14+ hour days from sunrise to well after sunset. I can see why you chose this profession, sir.
So, any suggestions on getting noticed?
From one fat writer that has to direct to see his stuff get made to another...
It will be a miracle if you read this, because I know you get slaughtered with emails daily, sir.
I'm an over weight, screenwriter that turned film maker just to see his stuff on the screen who also happens to be in the process of putting together a comic book... did I mention we're only two years apart in age?
We could be brothers, sir!
Living in sunny, Phoenix, AZ and loving it (my little Jersey for life) and dreading (and relishing) the day I have to move to LA.
Although I'd jump in the car and be there in six hours for the opportunity to meet, pick your brain, etc.
Maybe one of these days we'll sit side by side at an awards table.
Thanks for the minute out of your life!